Transverse Field Quantum Ising Model

Transverse Field Quantum Ising Model


In this tutorial, we will look at critical spin chains and make a connection to their description in terms of conformal field theory.

The model we will consider is the critical Ising chain, given by the Hamiltonian

$$ H=J_{z} \sum_{\langle i,j \rangle} S^i_z S^j_z + \Gamma \sum_i S^i_x $$

Here, the first sum runs over pairs of nearest neighbours. $\Gamma$ is referred to as transverse field; the system becomes critical for $\Gamma/J=\frac{1}{2}$. For $\Gamma=0$, the ground state is antiferromagnetic for $J\gt 0$ and ferromagnetic for $J \lt 0$. The system is exactly solvable (P. Pfeuty, Annals of Physics: 57, 79-90 (1970)).

In the above equation, $\Delta$ refers to the scaling dimension of that field. The scaling fields occur in groups: the lowest one, referred to as primary field, comes with an infinite number of descendants with scaling dimension $\Delta + m$, $m \in \lbrace 1, 2, 3, … \rbrace$.

In the exact solution of the Ising model (Eq. (3.7) in the paper P. Pfeuty), the long-range correlations are found to decay as: $$ \langle S^i_z S^{i+n}_z \rangle \sim n^{-2\times 1/8} $$ $$ \langle S^i_y S^{i+n}_y \rangle \sim n^{-2\times(1+1/8)} $$ $$ \langle S^i_x S^{i+n}_x \rangle \sim n^{-2\times 1} $$ Additionally, we expect the scaling dimension of the identity operator to be 0.

We therefore expect scaling dimensions of 0, 1/8, 1, 1+1/8 to appear in the CFT of the Ising model. To see this, we will rescale all energies of the spectrum according to $E \rightarrow \frac{E-E_0}{(E_1-E_0)8}$. This will force the two lowest states to occur where we expect the scaling dimensions; we can then check whether the rest of the spectrum is consistent with this.


We will first import some modules:

import pyalps
import pyalps.plot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
import math

Then, let us set up the parameters for two system sizes. Be careful to use the transverse field $\Gamma$, not the longitudinal field $h$.

# Some general parameters with different lattice sizes:
parms = []
for L in [10,12]:
        'LATTICE'    : "chain lattice",
        'MODEL'      : "spin",
        'local_S'    : 0.5,
        'Jxy'        : 0,
        'Jz'         : -1,
        'Gamma'      : 0.5,
        'L'          : L

As you can see, we will simulate two system sizes. Now let’s set up the input files and run the simulation:

prefix = 'ising'
input_file = pyalps.writeInputFiles(prefix,parms)
res = pyalps.runApplication('sparsediag', input_file)
# res = pyalps.runApplication('sparsediag', input_file, MPI=2, mpirun='mpirun')
data = pyalps.loadEigenstateMeasurements(pyalps.getResultFiles(prefix=prefix))

To perform CFT assignments, we need to calculate the ground state and the first excited state for each L. The output of the above load operation will be a hierarchical list sorted by L, so we can just iterate through it

E0 = {}
E1 = {}
for Lsets in data:
    L = pyalps.flatten(Lsets)[0].props['L']
    # Make a big list of all energy values
    allE = []
    for q in pyalps.flatten(Lsets):
        allE += list(q.y)
    allE = np.sort(allE)
    E0[L] = allE[0]
    E1[L] = allE[1]

Subtract E0, divide by gap, multiply by 1/8, which we know to be the smallest non-vanishing scaling dimension of the Ising CFT

for q in pyalps.flatten(data):
    L = q.props['L']
    q.y = (q.y-E0[L])/(E1[L]-E0[L]) * (1./8.)

spectrum = pyalps.collectXY(data, 'TOTAL_MOMENTUM', 'Energy', foreach=['L'])

Plot the first few exactly known scaling dimensions

for SD in [0.125, 1, 1+0.125, 2]:
    d = pyalps.DataSet()
    d.x = np.array([0,4])
    d.y = SD+0*d.x
    # d.props['label'] = str(SD)
    spectrum += [d]



plt.xlim(-0.02, math.pi+0.02)

The result of the simulation is shown in the figure: Energy scaling for quantum ising model.